Brian Dunlap headshotCheck out our newest employee spotlight for Brian Dunlap:

Product Engineer, Employee at BUILT Systems since January 2021.

What are you most proud of in your career so far?

For creating solutions that some said likely couldn’t be done.  (Sometimes that someone was me!)

What is your favorite thing about working at OMT-Veyhl? 

Creating interesting products that meet/exceed our customers’ needs…. with a lot of help from everyone here!

What does it mean to you to help the company?  

Finding the best ways to create products that please our customers while making sure that the products work well for us to produce here.

What is your favorite hobby to do outside of work?  

I have so many! But I’ll say……  Escape Rooms with my wife, family, and friends.

What was your dream job when you were a young kid? 


If you could live in any movie, which one would it be?

Weekend at Bernie’s.  That guy knows how to host a good party.

Which phone app do you use the most?

I wish I could say that it’s something intellectual, but probably….. Yahoo Fantasy Sports.

What is something about you that people at work might not know about you? 

I once rode my bike from Lake Michigan to Lake Huron.

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