The world of high-stakes contract furniture sales is incredibly competitive and demanding. The best customers, those who are furnishing signature office buildings for the largest brands in the world, have exacting demands they expect their vendors to satisfy. It falls to sales engineers to design and source custom solutions to satisfy the client’s demands and secure the sale.
For the sales engineers who can rise to meet the challenge of tight deadlines and seemingly impossible demands, the rewards can be great. Millions of dollars in sales, bragging rights, promotions: all that and more are available when you’re resourceful enough to overcome the challenges.
Tight deadlines. Impossible demands.
Clients investing in furniture redesign desire furniture tailored to their specific workplace environment, leading to strict requirements and demands. These limitations are a large part of why sales engineers are losing out.
At OMT-Veyhl, we specialize in helping our contract-furniture clients create and deliver innovative solutions to client requirements for tailored solutions.
Imagination, innovation, creativity and collaboration are the stoke to our fire.
Take, for example, a recent project we completed for a client bidding on a New York-based financial data and media company. This firm was renovating its offices with the goal of eliminating cubicles while maximizing floor space.
The NY company chose a leading Michigan manufacturer with 60+ years serving the contract interior industry for the project. Although the manufacturer offered the custom office desk at the price point the firm wanted, there were a few concerns.They required a new table design that was height adjustable, featuring cable trays with built-in power management. None of the manufacturer’s existing products met all of those requirements. Worse, the project was on a tight timeline. The manufacturer needed to provide a solution in just three weeks.
The engineer working with the firm noted that typical new product development cycles take anywhere from 8-18 months to complete. After one failed design due to sturdiness issues, the manufacturing company realized it needed help and fast, so they turned to OMT-Veyhl.
Speed really does matter.
From the sketched design to CAD model and then a completed manufacturing-grade prototype, we designed an award-winning solution to the challenge in just 10 days.
The success of our custom office desk has resulted in the NY firm continuously placing orders with the manufacturer, who continues to work alongside us on new power designs and table base assemblies to stay ahead of the evolving market. Read the full case study here.
How are we able to solve design problems like those presented by this project so quickly?
One reason is our tight integration between design, engineering, and manufacturing. We’re able to internalize the complexity of problems, understand the customer vision and workplace culture, and translate those requirements into solutions that can be manufactured. We have the power to take a skeleton of a vision, and transform it into real, tangible goods.
With our deep knowledge of the industry and technologically advanced design capabilities, we are able to produce products that address current market needs and exceed expectations.
The next time a customer approaches you with a seemingly impossible deadline and difficult-to-meet requirements, consider giving us a call.
We enjoy rising to the challenge of helping our clients make seemingly impossible projects happen.
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